Wednesday, September 23, 2009

My Thoughts on Where are you going

Connie posses the main character title because of the role she plays in the story. She is in every scene and a majority of the other characters actually make an appearance just to associate with her. Also, all the other characters lines play off the actions that she makes. Arnold Friend just plays the so called villain of the story. On top of that the only people that even make contact with him are Connie and Ellie.

I actually like his name. It does not match his real personality but it still seems like a good fit. It sort of seems like an oxymoron to me because of the fact that his name is A. Friend but he has no kind of friend traits. Plus, his car, his clothes, and his language plays in with the name a little with regards on Connie because she is use to hanging with people that dress and talk like him. I think that with him presenting himself to her in a way that she is comfortable with, it drew her in a little.

Since I have a problem with child rapists, this is what I like to think happened: Arnold drove her over to the next county so nobody would know who they were and drove into the field. There they laid in the field where he presented himself to her and when she saw it she started laughing. A. Friend did not like that and attempted to choke her and before he could a sheriff pulled into the field and told them to leave. That’s why she was laughing when her sister came home because she was thinking about his small reproductive organ.

The setting I think played a role a big role in the story because it is a town that is really spread out so there is a lot of private areas where people can go and not be seen. In the movie, there were a couple of scenes where there was nobody around so there were many possibilities for something bad to happen. This left for a lot of added suspense to the story. Like when they were in the vacant garage, or when she was walking home in the middle of the night by herself.

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