Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Updike (hahahahahahahahaha) Interview

After seeing the interview with John Updike, my view about the story has not changed much. But, It is good to hear where the ideas for all the characters, the setting, and the plot came from. Like how he got the idea of the for the stores name came from the name of a store in his town called A&P. Also, how the idea for Queenie came from seeing a girl in the A&P store wearing a bathing suit. Another thing that impressed me was that he said the thoughts of Sammy were his thoughts if he were to be in the same setting as Sammy. So after I heard that, I understood why all of the cashiers thought were in such great detail. Updike also brought up how Sammy was trying to impress the girls; he said that Sammy was more trying to impress just Queenie rather then trying to impress all of the girls. And he told about how the manager's name came from the name of his mother's old boss. He said when he was thinking up names for the character all he could remember was his mother coming in and talking non-stop about her day and work and how she kept saying her boss's name over and over.
But the thing that caught me is how he said that the story really did not end with him just thinking outside the story. But really ending with him going to go look for the girls at the beach, but he never does find them. This stood out to me the most because I use to be kind of upset because he quit his job and did not even get to see the girls afterwards which made me think that he pretty much did just quit his job for no reason. But after hearing that ending I could breath a sigh of relief knowing that he did try to make an attempt to go find them.

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